Add Custom button on Ribbon – D365

In below post we will see how we can add custom button on Form Ribbon. I have taken an example of adding a custom ‘Link’ button on Case Form. If you are looking for same please check below steps.

I have also created video, please check here.

  • Before we begin, we should have Ribbon workbench installed or XRM tool box available.
    • Please Download and Install Ribbon workbench from here or if you are using XRM toolbox then it can be downloaded from here.

Aim: We are trying to add a custom button on case entity form. Button name will be link.

Let’s Begin

  • Open your dynamics trial instance. Navigate to Settings -> Solutions.
  • Click on New to create new solution.
  • Once solution is created ,add Case entity in new solution. While adding case entity in solution uncheck ‘Include entity metadata’ and ‘Add all assets’ and click Finish.
  • Navigate to Ribbon workbench and click on ‘Open Solution’ and open the solution which we have created in above step.
  • Case Entity will be opened up in ribbon workbench. We have added only case entity that is the reason we will see only ‘incident’ in the dropdown. Please check below screenshot for reference.
  • From the Toolbox section, Drag Button under Form ribbon after New button.
  • Now update the button properties, Add ID, Label and all required details as show below. As of now Create a new command and link it with the button. For creating a button, click on + icon under Commands and give the command name and link it under Button properties under command. Check below screenshots for reference.
  • Button images can also be added using ‘Image 16’ and ‘Image 32’ properties.
  • Now publish your solution and refresh your environment page to see the button.
  • Button has been added. If you want to check same in video then please check the Ribbon workbench video series here.

We are done. 🙂

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